Brand: Rolling Green Cannabis

Rolling Green Cannabis | Jealousy

HybridTHC: 27.04%

Flavors/Aromas: Diesel, Cloves, Apple

Experience: Hybrid, Mellow

Boosts: Wild Card, Outdoors, Music

Complex terpenes that could tip toward indica- or sativa-like, depending on the consumer. Gassy sharpness up front, syrupy sweetness in the back; moderate THC in a well-balanced smoke.

With genetics from Sherbert and Gelato, this cultivar has parents to be proud of, combining potent strength with some easygoing sweetness. Caryophyllene reportedly softens the effects of THC, keeping this smoke's medium-high concentration from turning into a head trip. Myrcene rounds out the terpene roster with some tingly indica-like effects, but not enough to lock you down.

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